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Deep Thoughts

Uniting Your Power Players

April 5, 2024

Most companies, even the big dogs, screw up their product development because they’re stuck in silos. 

You know what I’m talking about—Product Managers are all caught up in the "what" and "why," Designers are obsessing over "how it looks," and Engineers are buried in "how it works." 

What happens? Total chaos. Misalignment. Missed deadlines. Mediocre products that never hit the mark.

I’m here to tell you there’s a better way—a much better way. It’s called The Collaborative Trio Model. This is a real, battle-tested approach to blow up those silos, bring everyone together, and build products that don’t just meet expectations but smash them to pieces.

The Collaborative Trio Model puts the three most crucial brains in the same room—Product Managers, Designers, and Engineers. It’s about working together from day one, from brainstorming to launch and beyond. No more back-and-forth. No more hand-offs. Just deep collaboration.

Here’s how it works:

You start by creating a trio—a powerful, decision-making, idea-cranking machine. I’m talking:

  • Product Manager (PM): This is You. the master of the "why" and "what." They’re the ones who know what the customer wants, where the market is going, and how to steer the ship.
  • Designer(s): The visual architect. They make sure your product doesn’t just work but feels like magic. They bring beauty to the beast.
  • Engineer(s): The technical wizard. The person who knows how to build it, scale it, and make sure it doesn’t crumble under pressure.

Here’s the challenge: You’ve got to break the old mindset of “that’s not my job.” 

Everyone on the team owns the product. Everyone’s got skin in the game. You want engineers thinking about user experience, and designers thinking about scalability. No more silos.

With your trio assembled, it’s time to get everyone aligned. I’m talking about a vision that grips everyone by the collar and says, “This is what we’re doing, and here’s why it matters.”

No one sits on the sidelines. Everyone’s in. The PM, Designer, and Engineer all come to the table with their insights, ideas, and data. 

It’s about EVERYONE getting the full picture—customer pain points, business goals, technical hurdles, the works.

Clear, bold, measurable outcomes. 

Not some vague nonsense like "make it better." Real targets that everyone’s going to be held to. If you’re shooting to reduce onboarding friction by 30% in the next two quarters, then by God, that’s what you’re going to do.

Challenge the team to dig deep. No surface-level thinking. Get to the root of the problem and don’t let any one person dominate the conversation. You want the magic that happens when all three perspectives come together.

This is where the fun starts. With a shared vision in place, it’s time to brainstorm like never before.

Get in a room, lock the door, and don’t come out until you’ve got a list of ideas that’ll make your competitors weep and customers fall in love. Use every trick in the book—design thinking, rapid prototyping, sketches on the whiteboard, you name it.

Then make sure every idea gets filtered through three lenses: desirability (user love), feasibility (can we build it?), and viability (will it make money?). 

Don’t just check the boxes; really challenge each other.

Here’s the kicker: Everyone’s got to contribute. Engineers talk design. Designers talk code. Everyone’s got to be in on every part of it. 

That’s where the gold is.

Got a handful of killer ideas? Great. Now it’s time to separate the wheat from the chaff. And you do that by building fast, testing faster, and iterating without mercy with these 3 key steps:

  1. Rapid Prototyping: Designers and engineers roll up their sleeves and build out the rough, low-fidelity prototypes. Engineers keep it real by weighing in on technical constraints.
  2. User Testing: Get real users to try it. Gather every shred of feedback—what’s working, what’s confusing, where they drop off.
  3. Quick Iteration: Don’t waste months. Take what you’ve learned, tweak it, and go again. This is about learning fast, not being perfect.

Remember: Your goal is to keep moving forward, not get stuck in analysis paralysis. Speed kills the competition.

And when it’s go-time, you don’t want the wheels to fall off. The trio needs to keep working together to make sure delivery stays aligned with that killer vision you cooked up at the start.

Everyone’s involved. Designers don’t just toss a spec over the wall. Engineers don’t build in isolation. You’re checking in, iterating, and adjusting constantly.

Set up feedback loops, check them regularly, and actually take head. The worst thing you can do is think the job is done once you start coding. It’s not.

Then boom! The moment of truth. You’ve launched, but now you’ve got to know—did it work?

Track those KPIs like a hawk and get the trio together, figure out what worked, what didn’t, and how to improve next time.

Focus on growth, not blame.

Look, at the end of the day, it’s simple: If you want to build products that truly blow your customers away, that make your competitors scramble, you’ve got to get rid of the silos. The Collaborative Trio Model gives you the roadmap to do just that.

So, get your PMs, Designers, and Engineers in a room and start building something great—together…

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