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Deep Thoughts

The Opportunity Goldmine Framework

August 2, 2024

Picture this: you’re in a meeting, and everyone’s excited about the shiny new feature they’ve dreamt up. It’s bold, it’s innovative, it’s… probably a complete waste of time.

Why? Because they’re doing what most teams do—jumping straight into building solutions without ever asking the most critical question: “What problem are we solving?” 

This “solution-first” thinking is the surest way to burn through cash, resources, and time, only to end up with a pile of features that nobody asked for.

But there’s a better way—a killer framework that flips this entire process on its head. I call it The Opportunity Goldmine Framework. And trust me, it’s your roadmap to finding those high-impact, game-changing solutions that customers actually want and need.

Step 1: Forget the Solution—Fall in Love with the Problem!

Stop. Take a breath. And let this sink in: the first rule of product development is not to develop products

Sounds crazy, right? But stick with me.

Start by asking yourself, “What’s the REAL problem we need to solve?” Not what’s flashy, not what’s cool—but what’s keeping your customers up at night? What’s their itch that desperately needs scratching?

I HIGHLY recommend that you hold off on brainstorming solutions. Instead, challenge your team to spend time diving deep into the problem space. 

This isn’t a race; it’s a treasure hunt. Dig until you strike gold!

So, instead of saying, “Let’s create a new onboarding feature,” ask, “Why are users struggling to get started? What’s that roadblock they keep hitting?”

Step 2: Map Out the Money-Making “Opportunity Space”

Once you’ve got a handle on the problems, it’s time to map out what I like to call the “Opportunity Space.” This is where the magic happens. You’re going to lay out every possible angle where you can swoop in and create MASSIVE value.

Think of it like mining. Your job is to identify the richest veins of gold—the unmet needs, the pain points that make your customers grind their teeth, and the deep desires that would blow their minds if you delivered on them.

Break it Down: Opportunities come in three juicy flavors:

  1. Needs: What’s necessary, either functionally or emotionally?
  2. Pain Points: Where’s the pain? Find it and fix it.
  3. Desires: What would elevate the experience from “meh” to “WOW!”?

Push your team to go beyond the obvious. Ask yourself, “What are we MISSING here?” Sometimes the real money-makers are hiding in plain sight.

So if you’re building a fitness app, maybe the real opportunities are:

  • Need: Simplified workout routines.
  • Pain Point: No easy way to track progress.
  • Desire: Make it fun with some gamified, community-driven challenges.

Step 3: Your Visual Roadmap to Victory

Here’s where most teams blow it—they jump straight from “idea” to “build.” Big mistake. Before you do anything, you need to visualize your opportunities.

Enter the Opportunity Solution Tree (OST)—your new best friend. This is where you map out every possible path from customer opportunity to blockbuster solution.

  • Root: The desired outcome (the big, fat goal you want to achieve).
  • Branches: Customer opportunities that will get you there.
  • Leaves: Potential solutions or experiments.

Don’t lock in on the first “good” idea. The OST will help you consider a range of opportunities and make smarter, side-by-side comparisons.

So, if your goal is to “Boost user engagement by 20%,” your tree might have branches like “Improve onboarding experience” or “Introduce gamified challenges.” Each branch opens up a world of possibilities.

Step 4: Separate the Gold from the Dirt…Prioritize for Maximum Impact!

Not all opportunities are worth your time. You want the high-impact, low-effort gems that will move the needle the fastest.

Impact vs. Feasibility: Create a simple matrix or a more detailed scoring system to rank opportunities. Which ones will drive the most value? Which ones are easier to implement? Score them, rank them, and focus on the winners.

Resist the urge to chase “quick wins” that don’t deliver lasting value. 

You want the big wins—the ones that transform your product and blow your competitors out of the water.

Step 5: Test, Test, and Test Again!

You’ve narrowed down your opportunities—now it’s time to get scientific. Hypothesize what might work and test the heck out of it. This is where you separate the pretenders from the contenders.

It’s really 2 overarching steps in this one…

  1. Formulate Hypotheses: Clearly state what you expect to happen. Example: “If we streamline onboarding, we’ll boost retention by 15%.”
  2. Rapid Experiments: Don’t wait months. Test fast. A/B tests, prototypes, user interviews—whatever gets you answers quickly.

Shift the team mindset from “I hope this works” to “Let’s see if this works.” 

Every failure is a step closer to the jackpot!

Step 6: Keep the Opportunity Space Alive!

The market changes. Customers change. You need to change, too. 

Opportunity mapping isn’t a one-and-done deal. 

It’s a continuous process. Set up regular sessions to revisit and refine your map based on fresh data, feedback, or shifting priorities.

Avoid getting comfortable with a static view. Stay curious. Keep exploring. The winners are always one step ahead.

So if your fitness app users suddenly crave social features? Add that to the map and get cracking!

Step 7: Rally the Troops—Align Everyone Around the Opportunities!

If your team isn’t all rowing in the same direction, you’re going nowhere fast. You need total alignment around the mapped opportunities. Make sure everyone—product, design, marketing, leadership—is on the same page.

Share your opportunity map far and wide. Everyone should know the “why” behind the “what.”

Tear down silos and create cross-functional teams that thrive on collaboration.

You can do this by holding regular “Opportunity Reviews” where teams update each other on progress, challenges, and new insights.

Your New Superpower

The Opportunity Goldmine Framework is your ticket to the big leagues. It’s about understanding your customers like never before, making smarter choices, and building things that matter.

Move beyond the knee-jerk reaction of “what should we build next?” and dive into “what problem are we solving?” 

When you do, you’ll unlock the full power of customer-centric innovation and see your product strategy soar.

Stay sharp,

Dwayne Walker

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